Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Im here to blog, after playing a game with LianWei and his friends. Im tired, and really tired. The things today were kinda depressing, and kinda pissing me off too if i think of it.

I was really tired, and i slept late, so... i woke up late today. I took a cab down to school for Rit's rehearsal. Emmaneul was on the Piano, YanChong playing the ErHu, Sarah on the Cello and of course me and Rit with our instruments. Well, Rit passed me my scores, and i took a look at them, they looked fine to me. So, we're performing for them, or for fun? Im not sure. They kept changing the keys, modulating till theres no tomorrow. Gracious me, i think i'll rather sit there and watch then to participate in the 'fun'. If the key is going to change that much, im wondering how Rit will play it on the Dizi, because its kinda restricted with key changes. Anyway, i was kinda tired after a few pieces which modulated till the 12 keys, well... theres more. Im really bored. I sat there and watched them play till 1 in the afternoon. Rit told me that we might end earlier, but right... it ended later. Its not that, im actually very unhappy with the price of the performance, and moreover... the rehearsal was kinda useless. Cant we just play everything accordingly? Isnt it simpler? Why must u make things so complicated, its merely a $100. Its not that im not adaptable to changes, or im not professional. Anyway, im not. Thats not the point, its simply just not worth it. If the price is any higher, im sure i wont be able to do it too. So, i dun think im fit for the job. Someone else should play. Im not going to play for the other performance with them next Thursday. Moreover, its school day. Ive class to attend.

After rehearsing, i packed my things and took the Pipa with me. I headed to Bugis with Rit and Emmanuel. Then, i headed to KarlHeng, which was closed. I needed some tape, but i figured that LimChooLi should have them since she plays the Zheng! How stupid right? Its not that nice to ask, but well... ive no choice. So, what else did i do? I walked to Cityhall MRT station, where i took the train down to Yishun.

Took bus 804 at the interchange, and surprisingly, i met some people i know. Its Jeremy and Grace! Surprise, surprise! They were surprised too. I tried hiding behind this auntie, who obviously wouldnt cover half my body. And they were laughing, so i went over to say hello. They were heading to Jane's place for visiting. How nice? As for me, i took the bus all the way till its a few stops after this school. I read the message that LimChooLi sent, and i figured that it should be nearby. In the bus, there were several people who looked extremely... friendly. Too friendly. They are Christians from a nearby church, and its very nice of them to ask about my Pipa, and about me. Then, they gave me this card. I have it in my wallet now, im not throwing it away.

Its a long stretch of road, so exposed to the surrounding. There was nothing, and its so empty. Its like a meadow, with a forest just opposite. Sounds nice right? But well, it isnt that pleasing to the eyes, but i loved it. I would like to stay somewhere so quiet one day. LimChooLi opened the door, and YiFan and her friends were there! DiXia was talking so loudly, i actually heard her before i found the right door. They were doing some homework with LimChooLi guiding them. As for me, i headed to her bedroom, where she had her TV on, and her Zheng placed there. I warmed up, and while they were studying outside, we ran through the piece once. She said that she didnt practice, but she doesnt need to! I think i need more practice. Well, both of us were kinda unstable with the accuracy of the score. But well, she's so much better of course. I tried following most of the time. Anyway, after they left, we ran through the piece properly, section by section. By they way, i hope LimChooLi's mother a quick recovery! She is injured, and i hope that LimChooLi will have the strength to take care of her and stuff.

We talked. She told me about her life. Well, i must say that she is a hardworking person, who deserved her smooth sailing days back in China, and in Singapore too. She can write a book. Im not going to say anything here, but well... there are things i can learn from her, but some which may not apply much for me. I enjoyed my time at her place, and i got 2 red packets! Joy of the day. Im going to open them later...

I left her place, and headed down to the bus-stop, then back to the interchange, where i took bus 851 to NAFA. In the bus, terrible things happened! I shant talk about it. If u can guess, ur right.

I left the Pipa in school, and headed down to Cathay. Dedric and gang will meet me there, but surprisingly, someone like ChaiXia who left ZhangRongHui's house later can reach there faster than the 3 of them. They were at her place too. What for? I dunno. But whateva it is, we met up and i was there waiting for so long already. I was watching the fishes, they looked dumb and stupid. They are barely moving! So, i was really bored and tired. A screwed up morning, a tiring afternoon and a boring evening. What else can fulfill my day? Soon, Jasmine arrived too, with her sister.

We all left for PlazaSing, because there wasnt any seats left for the movie at Cathay. I only wanted to watch 'Norbit', thats why. Anyway, at PlazaSing, we were wasting our time too. Its always a waste of time when people like them cannot decide on what they wanna do. TingTing wanted to have fun, but Dedric and QingLun needed to go off. Then, whats the point of coming out? I dun understand. I hate it when people need to rush off somewhere, in the first place, they should have mentioned it, and surely, i wouldnt want to go out with them. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. So, i was kinda bored already... with such bad events for the day, im really kinda bored of it already. I told them to go off, and i just needed to eat.

ChaiXia went off to get the tickets for a later time at Cathay, alone. Then, Jasmine and her sister headed to TheHeerens to shop. I went to eat, but with QingLun and gang. Thanks to them for waiting for me, while i was ordering Carl'sJunior. Dedric treated us to ice-cream, and ChaiXia got back in time for it.

The movie will start around 10 minutes before 10pm. So, we bought some food and headed to a corner which QingLun recommended. Its dirty, and someone dragged some rubbish on the floor before, because theres this dirty wet trail. We found somewhere to sit, and started partying. I ate my burger, and we played games after clearing up. It was fun. Well, imagine, thats the best part of the day. So, how sad can it be?

We headed to the cinema at Cathay after playing, and meeting up with Jasmine and her sister. Before going upstairs, we were all making fun of each other, naming each other as Norbit. Well, we thought that Norbit was the woman's name. Well, its the guy's name! So, im Norbit, i dun mind. As for Jasmine, she is Rasputia. Anyway, after the movie, they still dunno the woman's name! My goodness, how can that be? EddieMurphy did it again. He was the same actor who covered the role of Norbit, Rasputia and even MrWong. Well, its hilarious, but not impressive. Why? Its the same old material! Come on, its time for something new and refreshing! Do something better dude.

I was laughing like mad for some parts, but mostly... just watching and smiling. After that, i headed home. I was in the bus, and called somebody. Well, i was kinda moody, but... nevermind. My earpiece was single sided, i think the left side is faulty or something, it isnt working. Im sad.

Im home, and feeling the weight on my eyelids. I think i need to sleep soon, but... i dun want to. Theres a difference between wanting and needing. So, im fine with both, i control them for myself. For my sake? Not really.

I tried the webcam, and i think i got the right setting already.

My dreams are at the apogee of my reach. I must try really hard to grab them, and most likely, its impossible. The thing i want most is just right infront of me at times, but so close... yet it feels so far away, like a hundred miles away. Its forbidden. There are things that are mine, but i cannot touch. U know how that feels? Something that is urs, but ur not allowed to touch it? Thats very sad. Its like not having it at all. Whats the difference? But, there are things that i touch everyday, but yet... it doesnt belong to me. Thats not worse, but just not as good.

The stranger left for good, walking alone under the streetlamps, thinking... what isit it like? What isit like if he has never walked down that street to notice that bed of roses? Sometimes, a little thing can change fate, and thus... changing everything in life. However, nothing outruns destiny, not even the apogee of my reach.